10 Feb, 2025
I’ll just go for an easy run — it will all be fine.  These are the words I told myself after waking up from my weekly Saturday run with slight…
The month of November began with a ping: an email to the entire student body, faculty and staff declaring a “Community Restorative Day”. In response to “extraordinary stress of the…
Newsletter Signup Cornell’s Board of Trustees has 64 voting members, which is the largest in the Ivy-League and the composition is unique among all institutions of higher education. There are…
First year students aren’t known for being a picture of good health. The lifestyle of college students in general is characterized with “Freshman 15”, sleep deprivation, midnight junk food feasts and…
BY LARISSA VERONICA HEATHERManaging Visuals and Layout Editor Managing Visuals and Layout Editor Larissa Veronica Heather captures Delaware’s win over Lafayette University in the FCS playoff opener. Larissa Veronica Heather/THE…

KOH | Cornell’s Community Day: There Was No Restoration   

The month of November began with a ping: an email to the entire student body, faculty and staff declaring a “Community Restorative Day”. In response to “extraordinary stress of the past few weeks” — which included the Israeli-Palestinian humanitarian crisis and war, brewing political tensions on campus and antisemitic threats scattered throughout campus and online […]

6 mins read

SWENSON | Inside the Boardroom

Newsletter Signup Cornell’s Board of Trustees has 64 voting members, which is the largest in the Ivy-League and the composition is unique among all institutions of higher education. There are representatives from the student, employee, faculty and alumni constituencies of Cornell, as well as from the State of New York, including the governor, and from […]

3 mins read

WEIRENS | Split Pants to Fast Splits: Reclaiming Health in College  

First year students aren’t known for being a picture of good health. The lifestyle of college students in general is characterized with “Freshman 15”, sleep deprivation, midnight junk food feasts and hours of sedentary studying. I’d say it’s a rite of passage, at least for the students I’ve seen at Cornell, to get a bit flabbier, […]

10 mins read

Photo Gallery: Delaware defeats Lafayette University in FCS playoff opener

BY LARISSA VERONICA HEATHERManaging Visuals and Layout Editor Managing Visuals and Layout Editor Larissa Veronica Heather captures Delaware’s win over Lafayette University in the FCS playoff opener. Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW […]

2 mins read

SCHWARZ | The Israel-Hamas War and the Effect on the American Jewish Experience

If Israel ought to be abolished because it is guilty of displacing native inhabitants, then the same should go for the United States or Australia, among many other countries. If Israel is racist, then how is it that more than half of Israeli Jews have non-Ashkenazi roots, because their ancestors came from places like Iran, Yemen and Ethiopia? […]

12 mins read

Annual turkey pardoning should remind Americans to be grateful, Biden says

TABITHA REEVESCo-Managing News Editor During the late morning of his 81st birthday, President Joe Biden paid a visit to the White House’s South Lawn to continue the 76-year tradition of pardoning two lucky turkeys from the Thanksgiving table. This year, the spared birds hailed from Willmar, Minnesota, and were named Liberty and Bell, Biden said […]

4 mins read

LEVIN | My Grandfather Couldn’t Come to Cornell. But I’m Here Now

Howard Levin, my grandfather, was 17 years old when he lied to the Army recruiter about his age. The year was 1942 — the height of the Second World War. Adolf Hitler commanded the fiercest army on Earth with the promise of mechanistically eradicating every single Jew. Crematoria, gas chambers, firing squads, drowning, death marches […]

6 mins read

At-large landing spot: Delaware draws Lafayette in FCS playoffs first round

BY DANIEL STEENKAMERManaging Sports Editor Despite being whacked by Villanova University on Saturday in the Battle of the Blue, Delaware’s football season is not over. After the Fightin’ Blue Hens succumbed to the Wildcats 35-7 (following early injuries to Delaware starting quarterbacks Ryan O’Connor and Zach Marker), the 8-3 Hens learned their postseason fate on […]

1 min read

Photo Gallery: Delaware wins over Campbell University in CAA semifinal

BY LARISSA VERONICA HEATHERManaging Visuals and Layout Editor Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa Veronica Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa Veronica Heather/THE […]

1 min read