Tag: fall

  • UDress Magazine hosts fall fashion show with theme, “New York Minute”

    BY NYA WYNNStaff Reporter Fashionability was at an all time high on Dec. 3 with the debut of UDress Magazine’s annual fall fashion show to promote their upcoming magazine issue. Students gathered in Trabant Student Center to see the student-styled outfits inspired by this semester’s issue, following the theme of “New York Minute.” The looks…

  • Photo Gallery: Flo Rida Fall Concert

    This year’s fall concert headliner Flo Rida took the stage with opening act DJ Amaze on Nov. 17. The concert, hosted by The Crew, took place at the Bob Carpenter Center at 8 p.m. Photographers Audrey Tong and Larissa Heather document the event.  Audrey Tong/THE REVIEW Larissa V. Heather/THE REVIEW Larissa V. Heather/THE REVIEW Audrey Tong/THE REVIEW…